Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shawna in Seattle!!

As most of you know, my bestest friend in the wide world came to visit us last month!! It was so much fun!! We went everywhere, Seattle, Tacoma and everywhere in between! It was awesome! Here are a couple pictures to show how much fun we had!

The first thing I took her to, was the Temple.

While we were walking around the grounds, we came upon this awesome rock with water in it...
It looked like one of the pensieves out of Harry Potter! So of course we had to take pictures with it!
It was a lot of fun!

We also took Shawna to the Sand Castle Competition. This sculpture was
one of my favorites!! Say hi to the Finley's! :]
Here's the Space Needle from the Ferry Ride we went on.

Shawna and I on the boat! SOOO FUN!!
I wouldn't mind living here... PLEASE!!
This is our Captain's name on the Duck Tour... Get it? Noah Lott?
Like Know a lot? Hahaha
We got so close to this boat! And its beautiful!!

The infamous GUM WALL!!

 Here we are at Owen Beach in Tacoma! Love it!!

Besties!! Love her!!

This is public art in Tacoma. You can write whatever you want!! And this was a joke with us!!
We had a blast!!

This may be the nastiest hairstyle in the world...

As you can see... We had a blast!!